A question that your union team has been getting a lot lately: when can I talk about the union?
Porter has been telling crew that we are not allowed to talk about forming our union while we are in uniform. This is not correct.
You have a legal right to form a union, and you can talk about the union when you are off the aircraft.
We would encourage you to talk about forming your union when you are off the aircraft, but this does not mean you can’t be in uniform.
The same goes for signing your card. We suggest signing your card when you aren’t on paid hours of work, but this does not stop you from signing your card in the airport. In fact, you can come and chat with our organizers in the airport if you have questions and are ready to sign a card. Follow us on Instagram (@unifyporternow) to find out when we’ll be in the airport or just look for us on your way to or from your pairing.
You can also sign your card online. To set up a time to meet with an organizer please reach out and we would be happy to connect with you! Just shoot us a confidential email at porter@cupe.ca.
As we get closer to forming our union, we can expect the company to step up their efforts to discourage us. But just remember, it is your right to join a union. Together, we will make it happen!