Mayday! Who has our backs in an emergency?

Aviation safety has been on all of our minds lately. When faced with an emergency, cabin crew are trained to spring into action and respond to ensure that passengers are safe. But when all is said and done, who has our backs?

Whether it’s a decompression, a rapid deplanement, a diversion or – worst case scenario – an evacuation, it’s important that we know someone will support us in the aftermath. CUPE airline locals across Canada have processes in place to support cabin crew in these exact situations.

When unionized flight attendants experience emergency situations at work, union representatives (such as a health and safety representative) will meet the aircraft and ensure that the cabin crew are supported through this experience. Whether it’s helping fill out paperwork, accessing employee assistance programs, ensuring that crew have access to mental health and trauma supports, or ensuring that you are not forced to continue working after a serious incident, your union representatives are there to support you.

Every union local has their own process and we as Porter cabin crew can create one that works for us. As safety professionals we look out for the passengers, and as union members with CUPE, we will look out for one another. It’s a one crew concept – sign your union card today.