Meal per diems need to keep up with inflation

It’s tough for flight attendants to access affordable, healthy food away from home – especially when we’re often transiting through airports and airport hotels. It’s especially tough when inflation is rampant and Porter is only giving us $3.60/hour while we’re away from base.

We end up paying more for meals because of airport prices – even Tim Horton’s prices are jacked up at the airport. Food restrictions at international borders make it even harder to pack meals for the workday and avoid buying food in inflated US dollars.

As flight attendants, we deserve better than struggling to feed ourselves on the job.

Porter flight attendants deserve “best-in-class” working conditions, and that includes meal per diems that keep up with inflation and allow us to stay fed and healthy away from home.

With a union, we can make it happen.

Air Transat flight attendants represented by CUPE negotiated for $4.73/hour in Canada and up to $6.76/hour outside of Canada for meals (see here, page 75).

Air Canada flight attendants represented by CUPE negotiated their per diems by meal (see here, page 33), and in 2024 they’ll be receiving $17.95 for breakfast, $20.33 for lunch, $40.27 for dinner, and $10.53 for snacks. That’s up to $89 per day to cover meals – and when they’re working in the United States, those figures are paid in US dollars.

Compare that with the $3.70/hour that Porter will pay us in 2024 and it’s abundantly clear that our working conditions need to improve.

Inflation is taking its toll on our wallets but with a union, we can stand together and ensure everyone is keeping their head above-water.

Sign your union card to join CUPE today!