Porter pilots join cabin crew in journey for union representation
By now you have probably seen the news that a union drive is underway for pilots at Porter, with the Air Line Pilots Association.
It’s an exciting moment, as another key group of workers at Porter begins their journey to form a union and expand their rights at work. We want to congratulate the pilots and wish them the best!
You might be thinking: pilots already have very strong compensation and they received their benchmarking pay raises months ago. But the pilots also understand that things can and should always be better, and getting the respect and the strong voice they deserve at work starts with forming a union.
And it’s the same story for cabin crew.
Like cabin crew, pilots want our company to succeed.
Like cabin crew, pilots have serious concerns about their working conditions.
Like cabin crew, the pilots are looking to strengthen their position with the company.
We don’t have everything in common with pilots – but on the things that really matter, we can gain a lot by supporting each other in our shared goal of better compensation and better working conditions at our airline.
Now, the race is on. Who will be the first group at Porter to certify? Ready, set, go!
Sign your card union card today, and let your friends know you’re signing your card too.