Loss of pairing trades: just another reason we need a real contract

As you already know, Porter has substantially reduced how and when cabin crew can trade pairings. Reserve holders and block holders can no longer trade with one another – only within their respective groups.

This means a much smaller pool to trade pairings, much less flexibility for you to alter your schedule, and a lot less freedom for all Porter cabin crew to control daily life.

The new changes limit cabin crew to three trades, swaps, or drops per bid period. If you get a bad schedule or have something come up in your life and you need to make more than three changes to your schedule? Tough luck!

These changes, combined with the other changes coming to reserve in January, will make things a lot harder for everyone – but especially those of us with another job (or jobs).

These changes don’t just affect our work life – they impact our personal life, our home life, and our work-life balance as a whole.

It’s just another example of how, without a union and a collective agreement, Porter can and will make changes that have significant negative impacts on all of us – and we get no say whatsoever.

But with a union and an enforceable contract, Porter won’t be able to make these kinds of major changes to our working conditions unilaterally. They will have to work with us.

If you’re like us and you’ve had enough, and you want a real voice and a real say at your job, sign your union card today.

And if you’ve already signed your union card, why not share this message with a few colleagues?