With CUPE, we’ll get predictable pay

Many of you have reached this week to share how missing per diem on this week’s pay has affected you. We understand how per diem makes up a large portion of your monthly compensation, and this can really impact your ability to pay your rent or your mortgage and your bills. It can also take a toll on your  ability to take care of yourself and your family, and your mental health as well.

Workers shouldn’t have to wonder what will happen when their employer makes a mistake on their paycheque. Many CUPE collective agreements have language in place outlining exactly what happens when an employer underpays their workers, with a process to make things right clearly laid out.

With a union, we’ll be able to negotiate our own collective agreement with black and white language on what this process looks like. We shouldn’t be left short-changed come payday, and we shouldn’t have to rely on the good will of our employer to fix their mistakes.

To learn more, reach out to porter@cupe.ca.

To sign your card and join our union, click here.

If you’ve already signed your card – great! Why not share this message with a few friends and colleagues?