Why CUPE fights against two-tier contracts

Employers use two-tier agreements to divide and conquer workers – dividing us into haves and have-nots, usually based on seniority. In 2018, Porter decided to implement two pay scales, A scale and B scale, for both Pursers and Flight Attendants. Anyone hired after 2018 does the same work for less pay. At times there is even a $4-5 per hour difference for employees performing the same work.

Right now, Porter cabin crew aren’t able to change this unfair practice. But with a union, we will have the collective power to negotiate a fair collective agreement that lifts everyone up, instead of treating some workers like second-class citizens.

On the issue of two-tier contracts, CUPE’s national bargaining policy is clear as day: we do not bargain two-tier contracts, and we will not allow employers to force them on our members. That’s based on the simple premise that we will not sell out younger or more junior workers, or future generations of workers, by forcing them to go without the rights and benefits we ourselves enjoyed.

In other words, with CUPE, we will not allow Porter to force an inferior pay scale on our more junior coworkers, and we also won’t sacrifice the hard work of senior cabin crew who have earned their place at the higher end of the pay scale. At CUPE, we will bargain forward – not backwards. The A scale will be the floor, not the ceiling.

Now, fighting back against two-tier proposals from employers isn’t easy. That’s why CUPE’s bargaining policy also calls on the national union and its national membership of 715,000 members (and growing) to come together and support locals who are facing employers trying to force two-tier proposals. And since CUPE drew this line in the sand against two-tier contracts back in 2016, we have had incredible success fighting two-tier agreements because employers know they aren’t just taking on a few members of one local – they’re taking on our whole national union.

By standing together, we send a clear message to employers that attempts to implement two-tier contracts will be challenged with the full force of Canada’s largest and strongest union.

CUPE’s commitment to supporting locals facing two-tier proposals goes beyond just words. CUPE provides robust resources and staff expertise to ensure members are equipped to take on these challenges.

Together, we can create a work environment where every worker is treated with dignity and respect.

Fair contracts that lift everyone up – just one more reason to sign your card and join CUPE today.